David Bridges friends, Butsu (Brown) and Tango (White), watch as Africaphilantropies changes the world!

​​Go Falcons!
The Robert E. Fitch High  School Humanitarian club

 sponsored two solar panels for Togo through Africaphilantropies, Inc.  With this donation, the Fitch Humanitarian Club and the Fitch High School

community provided lights to two families Children

have now light to do nightly school homework.
Africaphilantropies  thanks the staff and students

involved in this projects. They are our Heroes!!

Africphilantropies inc. thanks its heroes

Accompanied by Innovative-Diffusion's CTO, David Oyanadel, Africaphilantropies receives a generous donation from the Robert E. Fitch High School.

Accessible electricity is rare in most parts of Africa. With your help and sponsorship, students can perform better in school, families can have a safe lighting system, and the region can become a better place.

​Interested in illuminating someone's world?

Left : David Bridges, an English Teacher, New London High School, CT. He is a permanent supporter of Africaphilantropies
Right: David Moore, an English Teacher, Bennie Dover Jackson Middle School, New London, CT. He is a permanent supporter of

Mr. David Bridges and Mr. David Moore joined

forces to provide Solar Energy Unit to a family

in Togo. With light in the house, children will

be able to study and do better in school!
            You both are true heroes!