David Bridges
- Board member, Africaphilantropies
- English Teacher, New London High School, New London, CT
- Carpenter, Designer, Boat Builder
- Various team leader and advisory positions in local school and community programs
- Masters of Arts in Teaching, Connecticut College, CT; First Honors
- BA in English, University of Connecticut, CT
Georges Annan Kingsley
- Board Member, Africaphilantropies
- Art Teacher, Capital Community College
- Art Teacher, Trinity Academy, Hartford
- High School Plastic Art Teacher, Ivory Cost
- Assistant of Cultural Affair, Embassy of France, Ghana
-M.A. Action Culturelle/Sculture, Superior School of Fine Arts, Paris-France
- Diploma of Applied Arts, University of Abidjan, Ivory Cost
-Teaching Certificate, Superior Teaching School, Ivory Cost
Sama Roger
- Africaphilantropies Representative, Togo - Africa
- Computer Technician - Software and Hardware
- Telecommunication Engineer
- Analyst, Computer Programmer
- Telecommunication Specialist (Hardware & Software, Installation)
- Secretary General: Telecommunication Union
Komi Tanang
- Africaphilantropies Advisor Togo - Africa
- Telecommunication Technician
- Technical School - Togo
Zato Kadambaya
- Founder/Executive Director, Africaphilantropies
- Math/Science Coordinator, STEM Administrator; New London High School, CT
- Adjunct Professor, Eastern Connecticut State University
- Current Member of the Board of Personnel & Pension, Town of Norwich
- Former Vice Chair, Ethics Commission, Town of Plainfield, CT
- Member of the Democratic Town Committee, Norwich, CT
- Board of the Directors, SANKOFA Educational Leadership, CT
- M.A. 6thYear, Educational Leadership, CCSU, CT
- M.A. in Education, Curriculum and Instruction, UCONN, CT
- M.S. in Electrical Engineering, UCONN, CT
- B.S. in Manufacturing Engineering, CSU, OH
- UCONN Neag School of Ed, Fall 2015 Marketing/Advertising Campaign
- NAACP Excellence in Education Award,
- Connecticut General Assembly Official Citation – 2011
- City of Norwich Public Proclamation, 2011
- Outstanding Alumni Award, CCSU Ed. Leadership Dept. 2012
- US Senator, Honorable Richard Blumenthal letter of recognition
- CT Attorney General, Honorable George Jepsen letter of recognition
- CT Comptroller, Honorable Kevin Lembo letter of recognition
- Togolese Community in CT, Community Service Award
Leonille M. Kadambaya
- Founder/Deputy Director, Africaphilantropies, Inc.
- Special Education Teacher, Fitch High School, Groton, CT
- M.A. in Education, UCONN, CT
- B.S. in Education, CSU, OH
- Minority Leadership Education
- Corporator, Day Kimball Hospital, CT
- Honor Student, Central State University (CSU)
- Full International Scholarship, CSU
Djoliba Matigaba
- Africaphilantropies Advisor Togo - Africa
- Middle School Principal (Directeur)
- Masters of Art, University of Lome - Togo
Joshua M. Johnson
- Former Board Member, Africaphilantropies
- B.A. in Economics From UCONN
- United Technologies Aerospace Systems Financial Analyst
- Expertise in Fund Raising and Budgeting
- Previous NAACP UCONN chapter president
Tchao Kadanbaya
- Africaphilantropies Advisor Togo - Africa
- State Nurse (Infirmier d'Etat)
- Nursing School - Togo
Yawo L. Simpini
- Board Member, Africaphilantropies
- Security Site Supervisor, Allied Barton Security, Hartford, CT
- Advisor, Connecticut Togolese Association (CTOC)
- President, PAD/ CT(Partners for Africa Development in CT)
- Expert Interpreter English/French
- ESL Teacher
- High School Teacher, Togo
- B.A. in Education, Wesley College, Ghana
- Certificate of Completion, Colchester English Study Center, England
Komi F. Adzimawo
- Board member, Africaphilantropies
- French Teacher, Windsor Public School, CT
- High school Teacher - Togo
- On the Job-training journalist In Togo
- Alternate Route to Certification (State of CT Office of High Education Program)
- M.S. Geography, University of Lome Togo.
- B.S. Geography, University of Lome Togo.